Aaah, Gospel Music “the window to our souls”!
A refreshing and joyful way to “Praise the Lord”, lifting spirits of all involved - the musicians, singers and those listening as well. The cause of toe-tapping and hand clapping fun is generated at our jams, whether it be by Bluegrass or Southern Gospel. Or maybe it’s an old song you’ll remember hearing in church. Music makes hearts happy and glad and joins together all classes of people that otherwise may never meet.

We have an “Open Mic” indicating that any and all who walk in have the opportunity to sing or play their instruments. So look out! There could be dobros, guitars, banjos, mandolins, fiddles, piano or any other instrument. You say you don’t sing or play an instrument? Come anyway! Praise the Lord for those who just want to listen! Your presence is just as valuable!
Music provides a fun time to get together that’s true, but it also softens hearts reminding each of us of what the Lord has done in our lives. Yes, I have witnessed hand-clapping and toe tapping, but I have also seen tears streaming down a face or two as they recall what the Lord has done for them.
Here at Trinity Fellowship, we have a “Gospel Jam” every fourth Saturday night of the month. A time of enjoying each other in a loving and relaxed atmosphere. The schedule:
- 5:00 PM – Snacks
- 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM Music
Come join us to make a joyful noise unto the Lord!